DJI Enterprise Drones

DJI Enterprise Drones 

Businesses in various sectors, such as construction, engineering, public safety, agriculture, and more, increasingly leverage Commercial or Enterprise drones. Employing drone technology provides businesses with a competitive advantage, enabling them to effortlessly survey, inspect, and analyse buildings, structures, environments, and situations from an aerial perspective.

Using drones for commercial purposes yields substantial gains in efficiency, accuracy, and safety. Additionally, it leads to significant cost savings over both short and long-term durations. Commercial drones find applications in aerial photography, surveying, inspections, precision agriculture, urban planning and development, environmental monitoring, agricultural management, and various other fields.

Key Highlights

  • Boost the efficiency of surveying missions at a fraction of the cost compared with traditional methods.
  • Use aerial insights to improve the quality and accuracy of data collection.
  • Quickly and easily obtain “eye-in-the-sky” views from the safety of the ground, improving situational awareness and decision-making.
  • Use aerial and thermal insights to quickly and effectively respond to emergency situations, even in harsh environmental conditions.

DJI Enterprise drone solutions stand out for their strength and robustness. Harnessing cutting-edge technology in both hardware and software throughout their product range, DJI drones empower businesses globally to enhance their productivity and efficiency. Find out more about how certain industries can benefit from this powerful equipment, provided by Apex.



Commercial-grade drones are used to significantly improve the efficiency of surveying missions without sacrificing accuracy of data collection, while using aerial routes to build highly accurate and versatile 3D maps to support progress tracking and decision-making.

Key benefits
• Improved efficiency
• Reduced cost
• Standardised deliverables


Commercial drones are used to safely, quickly, and accurately inspect buildings, assets or structures from an aerial perspective using thermal camera technology to identify heat loss, danger zones and more.

Key benefits
• Thermal insights
• Reduced costs
• Rugged flight performance


Emergency Services

Commercial drones are used by emergency services to assess critical situations quickly and easily from an aerial perspective to aid decision-making by first responders on the ground.

Key benefits
• Fast intel
• Response coordination
• Reduced risk

An introduction into using drones for surveying applications

By Apex Radio Systems | January 17, 2024

As drone technology is becoming increasingly streamlined and accessible, a variety of industries are adopting drones into their workflows to increase efficiency dramatically. Simply put, drones are changing how businesses operate by reducing costs, saving time, improving safety, and providing a direct ROI. In particular, […]

What are “commercial” or “enterprise” drones, and why would businesses choose to use drone technology?

By Apex Radio Systems | January 17, 2024

Drones are used in commercial environments for several reasons, the most common being: Enhanced efficiency Cost savings Boost human safety Improve accuracy of data collection Better decision-making Common applications for commercial drones include: To provide an “eye-in-the-sky” view of a building, landscape, structure, etc which […]